

Chris realized during a summer internship at the Swine Vet Center (SVC) that the clinic was where he wanted to practice after graduation. “I really enjoyed the veterinarians and how they worked with their progressive clients,” he recalled. “It was a good match for me and where I wanted to be after veterinary school.”

He received his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University (ISU) in May 2016 and started immediately at SVC. Today, Chris continues to enjoy his work at the clinic. Most of his clients are medium-size swine operations in Iowa. He also helps manage research for SVC.

Chris grew up outside of Storm Lake, Iowa, on a crop, cattle and hog farm where he gained his initial livestock experience. He also raised his own calves and pigs for 4-H and FFA projects.

After high school, Chris headed to ISU for his undergraduate degree. During this time, he spent a summer internship with an ISU veterinarian and developed a passion for the swine industry. He followed that passion as he entered the veterinary school at ISU. In addition to his DVM, he earned a MS in preventive animal medicine.

Today, Chris and his wife Brooke live on an acreage near Storm Lake. Chris enjoys hunting, fishing and helping his dad with field work. But with the couple expecting their first child this summer, his free time may be more limited.

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