Gilt acclimatization is key to eliminating Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in sow herd
Successful elimination of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) from a herd is often driven by sow farm status, according to Alyssa Betlach, DVM, Swine Vet Center.
What’s the US emergency response to African swine fever?
The emergency response to a possible outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in the US stands ready for implementation.
Maintain sound on-farm biosecurity with PRRS ‘season’ approaching
As we creep closer to autumn’s weather change, crop harvest, manure pumping, etc., we also sneak closer to what has become a predictable rise in new cases of PRRSv across the country.
Is fogging an M. hyo-elimination option for your swine herd?
Paul Yeske, DVM, with the Swine Vet Center in St. Peter, Minn., has seen repeatable success with M. hyo elimination, along with the downstream effect of lower cost of production, better average daily gain, better feed efficiency and lower mortality.
SVC Newsletter – September 2019
ASF continues its march across Asia /
PRRS Season /
2019 Leman Conference
SVC Newsletter – August 2019
Senecavirus is on the move
The changing face of PCV: Virus experts compare notes on evolving pathogen in US swine herds
Clinical disease due to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been dramatically reduced thanks to vaccination, but concern remains about the persistence of PCV2 subclinical infection, even in vaccinates, and the virus’s propensity for change. Furthermore, PCV3, a newly identified porcine circovirus that is genetically different from PCV2, is believed to be widespread in US herds and, so far, there’s
SVC Newsletter – July 2019
A Day at the National Pork Industry Conference (NPIC)
How long do mycoplasma-negative herds stay negative?
Most hog farms successfully stamp out mycoplasma pneumonia when they work with their veterinarian to eliminate the disease. The challenge is preventing reinfection. If the herds remain negative after the first 8 months, they became reinfected at a much slower rate over a much longer time than the herds turning positive in 8 months, reported Paul Yeske, DVM, Swine Vet
Lessons learned from recent Seneca Valley outbreaks
The Seneca Valley virus (SVV) is proving to be something of a test case for swine producers’ and veterinarians’ preparedness for foreign animal diseases (FADs). While SVV is not an FAD, nor does it pose a harsh economic penalty for infected herds, the virus does produce lesions on the pig’s snout, feet and coronary bands that are indistinguishable from FADs,
Yeske: Multiple factors contributing to rising sow-mortality rates
The spike in sow-mortality rates in recent years has everyone in the US pork industry searching for answers. Don’t expect any simple solutions, however. In most cases, multiple factors lead to mortality or declines in sow performance, according to Paul Yeske, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St. Peter, Minnesota. “Like many different things in the industry, it’s multi-factorial…not just one thing,”
Gilt acclimatization, reduced shedding keys to curbing downstream M. hyo disease
Research shows that if more piglets are positive for M. hyo at weaning, there will be more problems in finishers, with decreased average daily gain, increased mortality and poor feed conversion.
Practicing precision animal health
Ross Kiehne, DVM, practices what he calls “precision animal health.”
SVC Newsletter – June 2019
Secure Pork Supply Plan / New PQA Plus 4.0 / Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome
SVC Newsletter – May 2019
Be prepared for seasonal infertility
Yeske: Provide better pig care — one animal at a time
Taking time to walk the pens, make eye contact with each pig and pull the sick ones for individual care seems to conflict with the basic tenets and efficiencies of population medicine.
SVC Newsletter – April 2019
7 tips on getting more pounds on your pigs in the next 6 months / Fly control – An important part of disease control and animal well-being
Yeske: Mycoplasma elimination ‘always a good strategy’
Eliminating mycoplasma from a herd works well with a fast payback, even in hog-dense areas, according to research conducted by Paul Yeske, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St. Peter, Minnesota. Research indicates mycoplasma can travel 6.2 miles to infect an unrelated hog operation, called lateral transmission. Yeske wanted to see how frequently this occurred, especially in pig-dense areas. At the same